The Narcissist's Hate: A Toxic Reality

Narcissists are known for their grandiose exterior, but beneath the surface lies a cauldron of hate and rage. It's a toxic reality that many of us have faced, and it's important to understand that their hatred is not dependent on our actions – it's a fundamental aspect of their nature.

"The narcissist's hate is a toxic waste that they spread around them, poisoning everyone they come into contact with. It's a hate that is rooted in their own insecurity, fear, and inadequacy." - Shannon L. Alder

Staying or leaving a narcissist doesn't matter; they will hate us either way. Their hatred is not a response to our choices, but a projection of their own inner turmoil. They are filled with negative emotions, and their anger runs deep.

Initially, they may present themselves as charming and happy, but as you get to know them, their true nature reveals itself. The positive feelings they exhibit are often fake, a manipulation tactic to draw you in. But the negative emotions – the hatred, anger, and rage are genuine and ever-present.

Leaving a narcissist may even intensify their hatred, as they feel a loss of control and a blow to their ego. But staying won't save you from their wrath either. Their hatred is a constant, and it will come out regardless of your choices.

It's essential to remember that their hatred is not a reflection of your worth or actions. It's a symptom of their own toxic psyche, and it's not something you can change or fix. The only way to escape their hatred is to distance yourself from them and focus on your own healing and growth.


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